
Everything you need to accelerate growth through behavioral insights and deeper human connections.

For Financial Professionals
Personalized coaching with an on-demand library tailored uniquely for you and your business.
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For enterprises
Atlas Point Enterprise
Let's design your program to differentiate your FP and client experience, deepen relationships, source content across your firm, enhance your segmentation strategy and more.
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It was a no brainer to sign up for Atlas Point. The Atlas Point platform has helped me get more referrals, clients, assets. They integrate behavioral finance into my conversation and they are always reworking how they can provide more value to Advisors.

Chelsea, Financial Professional

Atlas Point helps to keep emotions and numbers all in the same platform and I’ve never had a tool like this before.

Donna Kendrick, Financial Professional, Sephton Financial

I want my clients to know that I care. When I reach out to my clients that I’ve had for 10-25 years and tell them I want to improve my communication skills with them by understanding their financial emotions, that gesture alone means a lot to them.

Rick Risley, CFP®

Atlas Point allowed me to get to know younger generations of my existing clients’. After my one of my clients completed the [Financial Virtues] survey, I suggested it might be helpful for his children. He immediately agreed and asked me to reach out to them.

Christopher Cox, Advisor, Atlas Indicators Investment Advisors

I just had the best conversation with a client, and it was because of the talking points from Atlas Point.

Shanna Tingom, AAMS®, CFDA®, Heritage Financial Strategies

The value is there with Atlas Point. If it helps me save one client, then it’s worth it.

Scott McAdams, Financial Professional, Knight Financial