introducing uncertainty mindsetTM

Unlock your client's risk perception

Complement your Risk Tolerance Questionnaire with Uncertainty Mindset™ to enhance client loyalty and increase the adoption of your recommendations.

Uncertainty Mindset™ offers a more holistic picture of a client’s perceptions and approaches to risk and is more effective at explaining behavior.

TRY uncertainty mindset

Let us help you boost client confidence

Typical Risk Tolerance Questionnaires (RTQs) focus solely on objective aspects of risk, while Uncertainty Mindset™ incorporates emotions that affect a client’s willingness to take on financial risks. Discover the why behind client behavior and enhance your conversations.

Perceived Benefits

Perceived Benefits is a score that represents an individual’s average optimism regarding investment risks.

Perceived Risk

Perceived Risk is a way to measure how likely a person thinks it is they will lose money when investing.

Ready to Learn More?

Because risk and uncertainty lie at the center of many financial decisions, this product is a natural fit with Atlas Point’s mission to enable Financial Professionals with personalized behavioral financial insights and coaching to improve their client’s financial journey.

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77% of Americans feel anxious about their financial situation [1].

[1] White, A. (2023). 77% of Americans feel anxious about their financial situation. CNBC.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Uncertainty Mindset™?
How does Uncertainty Mindset™ compare to traditional RTQs?
What insights will I gain from Uncertainty Mindset™?
Does Uncertainty Mindset™ measure risk capacity?
What are the client scores?
What information does Atlas Point receive?

Manage Uncertainty to Drive Success

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