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Conversation is Key: Now Is The Time To Show Your Clients What You Understand About Them
APRIL 26TH, 2023
Conversation is Key: Know How Your Clients Think During Times of Economic Uncertainty
December 7, 2023

In today’s evolving financial landscape, one constant remains: your clients and their unique financial journeys. Understanding the intricacies of your clients’ minds during economic uncertainty is more crucial than ever.

Lamar Pierce, PhD, will discuss the interconnected nature of factors influencing our global economy. Liz Strait, PhD, will highlight the behaviors likely to occur and will explain how to help your clients stay disciplined through market uncertainty.

Discussion topics include:

  • The current economic factors influencing clients’ financial behavior
  • Simple yet powerful ways to leverage behavioral insights, enabling you to optimally guide your clients through market turbulence and foster loyalty
  • Effective strategies to differentiate yourself and showcase your unique value proposition through the lens of Behavioral Finance
Conversation is Key: Evolving Your Client Experience
September 27, 2022

Revisit the discussion with Carrie Nelson, CEO and Founder of Atlas Point, on how to differentiate your value proposition by understanding what is going on INSIDE your clients. Leave this discussion with a plan you can implement easily and immediately –accelerating relationships with your prospects and clients.

Discussion topics include:

  • How Atlas Point provides Advisors with an X-ray vision into their clients’ emotions
  • Ways to tailor outreach to your clients and prospects efficiently, and effectively with behavioral insights
  • How to use behavioral insights to gain ongoing to deeper client conversations
  • What the ‘quiet partner’ is thinking, and what you should do

Conversation is Key During Market Volility
August 25th, 2022

Revisit the discussion with Dr. Lamar Pierce, Chief Behavioral Strategist of Atlas Point, on applying behavioral finance to your client conversations during a volatile market along with exclusive new market insights.

Discussion topics include:

  • Exclusive new market updates from leading economists in Washington, D.C.
  • Why behavioral conversations with clients are important, especially during a turbulent market
  • Insights and surveys you may implement immediately with clients leading to better financial decisions and outcomes
  • 3 things you can do to combat clients’ emotional decision-making